Carl S. Byington
President and Chief Officer, July 2017-Present
PHM Design, LLC, Ellijay GA
Engineering consulting for the design of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) systems and implementing Condition-based Maintenance (CBM+).
PHM Analytics and CBM+ System Lead, November 2011- November 2017
Sikorsky Aircraft, A Lockheed Martin Company, Rochester NY, Impact Technologies acquired by Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation. Performed strategic leadership, business development, and overall PHM/CBM+ Design Lead for the Air Force and other customers. Principal Investigator and Technical Lead for USAF CBM+ Pilot Programs with multiple program offices.
Director of Systems Engineering, July 2001 – November 2011
Impact Technologies, LLC, State College PA and Rochester NY
Direct the advanced development and engineering of health monitoring systems, diagnostic/prognostic algorithms, and smart sensors in pursuit of advanced, automated Condition-based Maintenance and Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) solutions for shipboard, aircraft, and land-based applications. Performed as the PI on over 70 programs at Impact.
See Engineering Publications for some of the best stuff.
Department Head, Condition-Based Maintenance, August 1995 – June 2001
Penn State Applied Research Laboratory, State College, PA 16801 Managed department research activities of over 20 engineers, assistants and students in the area of machinery diagnostics and prognostics. Led ~$3M/year of R&D in machinery failure diagnostics/prognostics and transitioned to the Navy and industry. Exercised project planning, engineering and financial responsibility on multiple programs in mechanical failure detection/analysis and automated diagnostic systems for machinery as a Principal Investigator. Participated in the use of conventional and artificial intelligence methods for condition monitoring of drivetrains, gas turbine engines, fluid circuits and electrochemical systems. Led teams in the design and development of four failure test beds for generating incipient fault data.
See Engineering Publications for some of early good stuff.
Research Engineer, Power and Mechanical Systems, January 1991 – July 1995
Penn State Applied Research Laboratory, State College, PA 16801
Developed fluid-moving, thermal and mechanical components for use in power-generation cycles using solid/liquid/gas chemical sources. Designed and tested subsystems and full-sized demonstration power plants for underwater vehicles. Developed computer models of heat transfer and two-phase fluid flow processes as design and data analysis tools. Produced thermodynamic analysis software to determine cycle envelopes, cooling requirements and thermal efficiency.
Rocket Scientist, August 1988 – August 1990
NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
Designed and tested combustors and fuel injection schemes for advanced power plants. Engaged in data acquisition and analysis from supersonic combustion experiments conducted in a high-enthalpy test facility.
Professional Engineer, Pennsylvania since 1997